Wednesday, April 20, 2011

reverence & rage

the problem with identity
in a materialist conception
of one's uni-verse, is that
the perception is of an


this is a path of pebbles floating in the air
over a canyon from Pirates of the Caribbean pebble
by pebble we will

science has shown us that we can only perceive
the object
the process
you can either observe the qualities of a person as object
view the qualities of a person as a process

both cannot
as yet
within the present
ranges of western
europeanized imaginative
nor scientific skill
be perceived simultaneously

women primp and prepare themselves
to be perceived as objects

women compete among themselves
as to who will be perceived
as a more valuable object

women (men too of course - we're pebbling on about women right now)
are sold in imagination
as models making another
object more attractive
to a viewer
so that someone - who? will buy
the proffered object

standing next to the object for sale
the woman comes
to be seen as also available
for sale

and many of us are
and it's expanding
this sale of us
not contracting

so, enough, we have reached the far side of the canyon
must we pebble step our way back?
not at all. we can fly

the solution is simply to live
as you wish to be

if you wish to live as a free
woman, practice freedom
in any way presently
permissible and allow
your conceptions of freedom
to deepen into more self discipline
not be thrown away on some
new master

women have the right to be free

certainly women have as much
as men do
to be free

and i don't mean to be all
greek soothsayer doomsayer
but -
if you allow women
to be slaves, it's not
long before men will
also once again be
slaves and not
long after
children will once again
work as slaves to invisible
elites who cannot perceive
the rotting of their perspectives
from their politically
and socially
cannibalistic self expressions

people who keep slaves are always
themselves enslaved

until power over oneself is achieved
it is the only creative power
available to an individual immersed
in materiality/form
once power over oneself is achieved
many other powers come willingly to avail

if you use force on yourself
to more quickly claim
self empowerment
you will have simply enslaved yourself
and will find yourself still
on that torture wheel
so oft described
by eastern mystics

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